About SpellingBuddy 2.0

SpellingBuddy 2.0 is a major upgrade to enhance overall functionality and user experience. The app is developed to help children revise and test their spelling by making the process easier starting from the creation of spelling card, testing and overview of past attempts. Parents can create different user profiles for each child enabling the revision and testing of different word levels based on each child’s learning need and pace.

A sticker board is added in this new version showcasing the revision achievements of children. Children will get a sticker for scoring full marks and they can cumulate the stickers to redeem a personalized reward voucher set up by parents as a form of encouragement for their efforts and initiatives.

Don’t lose marks because of wrong spelling. Practise more with Spelling Buddy !

Free features
  • Creation of 2 user profiles
  • Creation of Spelling Cards and listing of 2 spelling cards per user: All creation options unlocked including word extraction from the document via Camera lens and Photo.
  • Testing: Randomized test words + read out of sample sentence if it is included during the creation
  • Statistics: Outlining all past attempts, capturing words that were spelled wrongly the most in previous trials
  • Sticker Board: Capturing all full mark spelling tests achieved by each use

PREMIUM FEATURES : Unlocked with one-time payment of USD $3.99

  • Unlimited creation of user profiles
  • Unlimited creation and listing of spelling cards
  • Testing: Randomized test words + read out of sample sentence if it is included during the creation
  • Statistics: Outlining all past attempts, capturing words that were spelled wrongly the most in previous trials
  • Sticker Board: Capturing all full mark spelling tests achieved by each user
  • Creation of personalized reward vouchers as a form of encouragement
  • Reward voucher selection and redemption link is enabled
  • Retention of all past spelling cards in the archived tab, enabling overall revision approaching the final term test or year-end exam

We sustain our work through support on In-App Purchase and do not earn through selling data. Your privacy remains private to you. If you like this business model and philosophy, kindly consider supporting our product via the In-App purchase for Premium Features. Together we make affordable tailored applications to meet the specific learning needs of children.

Thank you!

Developed with love,
